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Music is my Meditation

  Do you ever think about meditating on God's truth for you life and wonder how you're going to ever make that seem at all enjoyable? I have a brain that doesn't focus on things very well if they don't grab my attention better than anything else in the room. If you can read and not get distracted good for you. But if I'm going to try meditating on the word I usually need tools more interesting than black text on a white pages. This is a recent discovery, knowing my brain is different that the majority of peoples. Also a recent discovery is Jillian Edward's album Wonder . There are some devastatingly beautiful songs in there which really speak to a need in my soul for emotional healing. The lyrics speak truth to my brokenness. My church have been going through a series on prayer. An important point that keeps being repeated is that prayer is conversation, not just us talking to God and perhaps asking for what we think we need. Part of it is listening. So why not ...

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